EDUCON, Thanks a lot, I was about to pay ma entire whole year school fees to DALC but didn't thanks to this blog. One thing that I give up on this guy is in this century, when technology has gone this far. Doesn't he know that its much easier to search the authenticity of an organisation leave a lone a college such as DALC? And where are the Kenyan authorities? Do we live in a lawless land like this?.another issue has SOMEONE TAMPERED WITH YOUR BLOG SUCH THAT WHEN YOU OPEN THE PAGE AND YOU ARE READING THERE IS THIS POP UP THAT SAYS INTERNET EXPLORER HAS EXPERIENCED A PROBLEM AND THE MOMENT YOU CLICK ON IT THE PAGE GOES OFF. I think thats a nice way to smell a rat bcoz that pop up blocker was put there by someone who does not want people to access the site that leaves us with one option in mind HE IS DOING SO TO HIDE SOMETHING PERIOOOD!!!!!!.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It seems that the conscience and thankless labour at the DALC fraud factory has kicked in with at least 3 staff leaving DALC in the last one week. Let it be said openly and truthfully that they left DALC and were not fired. They did not steal from DALC and are not being sought after the police for any crime. We say these because every staff member who leaves DALC is branded a thief.
Kisumu Campus has been hard hit and thrown into disarray that must be troubling the bald head of Humphrey Oborah: DALC EDUCATION's head of Missions. This is after two of the staff quit. The staff in question is the Centre Administrator and the Management tutor. The departures of these two have left the centre in jeopardy especially coinciding with the institutions recent downturn. Kenyans are not flocking into DALC EDUCATION as they used to and even Oborah's attempt to bring back the CLASS has not borne fruit.
Staffers at DALC are in deep doubt over the payment of their July salaries as students numbers have plummeted and new students are few. It is said that the Kisumu staff quit after it became obvious to them that the institution is fraudulent and is not what it pretends to be. For instance, one of the staff wondered why Oborah is always on TV talking about how he does gift and talent testing when it is done by untrained staff who merely look at a copy of the students certificate, enter contact details and get a standardized auto responder from the DALC system!
They have also sharply criticized the marking at DALC claiming that the institution is cheating Kenyans about the CAMBRIDGE examinations assessment as students transcripts have the same marks as awarded by the local lecturers even after purportedly being sent to the UK. This discrepancy points to, "….a fraudulent system as there is no way an examiner in the UK will award the same marks I did for over 50 students".
As these events were happening, another member of staff decided enough was enough and quietly left the Nakuru centre after receiving his salary. It is alleged the tutor was deeply troubled and disturbed by the "opaque and secretive" manner in which DALC EDUCATION has been operating. In addition, he was badly overworked teaching for more than 14hrs a day without rest.
So folks in Kisumu and Nakuru might be wondering what happened as Oborah makes frantic attempts to pacify them with all sorts of claims against the staff but he needs to know that people are becoming more aware and soon he shall have nowhere to hide. Perhaps he will take his CAMBRIDGE/OXFORD qualifications to even more remote parts of Kenya where people are not very aware of his fraudulent college. Kisii, Meru , Kakamega maybe next in his scheme.
Before he tells you that people are jealous of his achievements, go to google and take 10 minutes to find out that Humphrey Oborah holds a professorship from a DIPLOMA MILL. So that professor telling you we are just jealous of his achievement is an alumnus and also AFRICA's vice president for the same WIDU. Now, why would a "refined" educationist need a degree from a bogus University? Can you find his research papers? Which University published them?
Do not be fooled by this competitor nonsense that he is putting out to sidetrack you because the truth is out there. It starts at .
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Date Posted: 2009-07-21
These campuses, at the moment, have Oborah as their Centre Manager.
All admin issues should be emailed directly to if the online portal, front desk or tutors cannot answer.
This applies to all students who feel that they are not getting the right answers to their questions.
Shortly, I will avail "hot mobile phone lines" to help boost communication with my office.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
This month, KTN will be a few hundred thousand shillings richer at the expense of suffering Kenyans. This is as a result of THE CLASS. A DALC EDUCATION infomercial that is targeted at the millions of Kenyans who are seeking higher Education.
The show will be presented by Humphrey Oborah. A sharp shooter with an aim to maim your academic future. The only problem is that the man only shoots his mouth with an earful of lies. Once you have been shot by Oborah, you will believe that he is the ROBIN HOOD of education. Robbing from the rich (CAMBRIDGE and OXFORD) and giving to the poor (EAST and CENTRAL AFRICA) through his DALC EDUCATION system. This Robin Hood has asked people to hail him as the savior to Africa's Educational and development woes. In addition, he is also seeking the African high achiever seat and has been made a professor of the WIDU (World Distributed University) for his shameless heroics of distributing dodgy qualifications throughout East Africa. This is in consideration of the fact that the WIDU in question is not accredited and has been described by the Belgian Minister of Education as a "Diploma Mill".
Oborah is also the first Kenyan to digitally virtually attend Cambridge University. Meaning that he did not attend the University even though he says he did. Oborah, unlike the real Robin Hood, plays the victim whenever he is cornered. Where he was thrusting his fists of fraud in the air, shooting his mouth and brandishing phantom degrees in curriculum& gifts, he now coils into a fetal position and blinks like a kitten in an attempt to seek sympathy. He clutches his already showing ulcers and calls for "no more". No more competitors, blogs, ex staff and press. No more exposure because his noble venture needs to make him a lot of money so he can build a political career.
He swirls a toothpick arrogantly and rubs his belly, already full of roast meat with almost childlike glee. Happy that he is stealing from the rich and giving to the poor Kenyans. He thinks of opening more feeding centres in far flung areas of Kenya where ignorant people can greedily feed on the UK food he presents. To make it more convincing, he speaks like the other Robin Hood from the movie-in a quack's English accent.
The food maims the people though, but they love it because it is fast tracked. They don't have to squat to crap after eating his food and as a plus; it makes them light headedly clever. Robin Hood calls this content.
You might be shocked to see how they are wonderfully limping around his drudge DALC castle. Some are totally crippled having eaten 1st, 2nd and 3rd level foods at the DALC feeding centre. Some are so totally wasted and paralysed, that Robin Hood has made them his workers. After all, they wouldn't work elsewhere anyway.
All this happens as the Prof. Hood shoots a never ending drivel of dim lies to keep everybody in check!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
He made a lame attempt at demonising universities in the West, saying how deceived Africans are at wanting to flock there. As usual, he turned the focus on his diploma mill, saying how it offers quality education comparable to Western universities, gives solutions to uniquely African problems and best of all is affordable...
I was about to laugh at this whole charade, as it's not only blatant lies, but a serious show of double standards. If Oborah indeed claims to be a Cambridge alumni, why demonise the institution he got his degree from? Why plagiarize materials from these Western institutions? Does DALC indeed give solutions to uniquely African problems, or do they just write case studies?
Again shame on KTN for bringing up such a quack and endorsing him. I have a hunch things won't go down well with them in the near future...
PS: Oborah makes a weak attempt at forcing a British accent...the S & SH interchange in his "lecture" were noticeable
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
(Parliament, Tuesday): The Ministry of Higher Education and Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) should explain why they had been parties to the RM10 million scam by bogus universities, the Irish International University and the Cambridgeshire University, that their degrees are recognized by the Malaysian government deceiving and victimizing hundreds of Malaysians.
Last Wednesday, the Minister for Higher Education, Datuk Dr. Shafie Salleh said his Ministry would investigate the claims by these two bogus universities which have only Internet existence while the Irish Ambassador to Malaysia Daniel Mulhall went public on Sunday calling on the Malaysian Government to take action against the Irish International University for committing deception by parading itself as an Irish university.
Mulhall's confirmation that the university had no ties with Ireland and does not offer any courses or conduct any classes in Ireland was not made only on Sunday, as the Irish Embassy had since last year warned the Ministry of Higher Education of the bogus activities of the Irish International University, and the issue was raised during the course of "high-level official contacts" between education authorities of the two countries – but to no apparent effect.
What is shocking is that the Ministry of Higher Education and the JPA had been parties to the scam by the Irish International University and the Cambridgeshire University, whose degrees are not accredited nor recognized in the United Kingdom, United States or Ireland, by giving written assurances to Malaysians that their degrees were recognized by the Malaysian government.
It is estimated that some 500 Malaysians have fallen victim to the bogus claims of these two "virtual" universities, and if each had been made to part from RM14,000 to RM20,000, the total sum involved will be in the region between RM7 million to RM10 million!
I have documentary evidence to prove that the Ministry of Higher Education and the JPA had given written certification that the degrees of the bogus university which has only cyber but no physical existence, the Cambridgeshire University, are recognized by the Malaysian government, and I am prepared to show them to Shafie
Heads must roll in the Ministry of Higher Education and Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam for being party to the RM28 million scam by bogus universities, the Irish International University and the Cambridgeshire University, swindling the hard-earned savings of thousands of Malaysians
Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm starting to see a general trend in how Oborah coats his lies with sugar...usually he starts by stating a general truth or makes a statement that most people would agree with e.g. this week he was commenting on the grading system and the cut-off points used by colleges and universities. It's true that the current system has many issues that need resolving (most people would agree to that) but Oborah doesn't stop there...
He then slowly but surely shifts attention to his diploma mill, and tries to portray it a world class institution, free from the flaws characterizing the other institutions. This I believe is where the deception catches many unaware.Some will not see the lies coming by the time he brings DALC to the picture. By giving several criticisms of the present education system he masquerades as an expert on the education system, but has often been proved in this blog to be the quack he really is...
The question begs...what has taken him nearly 3 months to bring his junk back on TV? Finances not too good @ DALC? This blog making prospective students flee?
Then, what the heck is KTN doing propping up a diploma mill (and to a great degree endorsing it?). Won't this also amount to a criminal offense on their part?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
When it comes to post secondary Education, the buck will all the time stop at the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE). This is the body mandated to ensure that Kenyans are getting quality and legitimate education from private and public institutions of higher learning. They are the last word.
Is the commission fully aware of the going ons at DALC EDUCATION? I mean the stuff that’s hidden beneath the glamour you see when you walk through the doors of any DALC campus. Has the commission investigated all the complaints that have been made about DALC to the end and found that DALC is squeaky clean? The Commission in my view is moribund and meaningless because it has not protected Kenyans from rogue educationists who are out to make money out of peoples naivety and desperation for higher education.
According to the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) website, they (COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE)) have a duty to keep advice the public accreditation of institutions in Kenya. They say, “In line with this responsibility, the Commission regularly keeps the public abreast of new developments in the higher education scenario as well as making public pronouncements to caution them of those institutions which have not been mandated by the Commission to offer university-level education in the country.”
Obviously, COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) does caution the public about institutions but it seems that’s all they do. When the issue of DALC’s legitimacy first arose, Prof. Standa was quoted in the business daily admitting that there was a mistake in the case of DALC. “The authority to collaborate with any learning institution must come from COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE),” said Standa. So then what did Standa and his well paid commissioners do about it? One would anticipate that the commission would give some public communication about the scam and clear people’s worries. HE did not and instead went on to blame infiltration of rogue colleges on the high demand for vacancies. The man who is supposed to protect Kenyans from institutions such as DALC failed to give concrete measures that the commission was taking.
DALC has been running courses that are not validated by COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE). To date, the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) has validated only two. DALC however, thinks the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) is a moron and has continued to teach over 100 courses. Not long ago, the man in charge of the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) was asked if an applicant can roll out programmes while the issue was being considered but Prof Standa said that would be unprocedural. But that is what exactly DALC is doing teaching 100+courses on while only two are validated. Has anybody seen or heard the CHE act?
Last year, Standa is quoted saying. “A mistake must have happened, you cannot offer programmes in collaboration with a university or college, either local or foreign without the proper authority,” in regards to DALC’s saga. He fails to mention the action that the CHE took. How ironic.
Fast forward to June and we have an article by the Standard (as usual) where the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) boss Kihumbu Thairu vouches for collaboration between institutions of higher learning boost research and learning as long as standards are observed.
The COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) should be now aware of the fact that the DALC’s collaboration partners are mere virtual entities that have been rejected in countries such as Malaysia. The collaboration with CAM/OXIM/IIU/EBs is an elaborate scam to defraud people of their money in exchange for substandard education. When the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) allows DALC EDUCATION to go on with this scam, are they aware that CAM is not accredited in its country of registration? Have they taken time to verify DALC claims despite all the negative press reports and blogs?
To add salt to injury, one of the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) commissioners recently questioned the validity of the DALC programmes in a Sunday Nation article that was in the Educational supplement (see below). The said commissioner was expressing his doubt over the quality and recognition of these associations of management. He said that DALC would be discussed in a COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) meeting that was to be held in May. Has anybody heard from the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) since? ]
A blogger recently questioned the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE)’s abilities to carry out its duties. He said, “They COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) take too long to carry out investigations.. In fact what happens is after 1000 students have graduated and employees seek clarifications, thats when they rise to the occasion.” I couldn’t agree more. Do you remember the case of Newport University? The COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) only swung into action after hundreds of people had been swindled and were about to graduate from the bogus university whose degrees were run by WISEMENTRAINERS. Nothing happened for two years when these people were in class and paying fees to a scammer. Absolutely nothing.
Wisemen Trainers is still going strong and I don’t know what exactly happened thereafter. In other countries, the college would have been closed and its proprietors hauled to court in a flash. Today, WISEMEN also boasts of COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) accreditation in its adverts.
The COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) cannot be entirely blameless in this fiasco. DALC EDUCATION is a fraudulent institution, yet a COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) commissioner is always present in its functions. What exactly is his role if not to fool the public? Last year, the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) commissioner categorically stated that DALC was accredited to offer only two courses. Then he sat through the ceremony as DALC awarded Diplomas in Healthcare, Public Relations, Human Resources, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Education , Pre Medicals, Environmental Studies, Finance, Investment, Youth Entrepreneurship etc So what was his role in the ceremony if he sat through the a graduation that broke the COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE) rules that he had just spoken about!
Commission for Higher Education (COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE)) has aided DALC if defrauding Kenyans by its inaction.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Isles Internationale Université
Did you know that there is another IIU that DALC is partners with? Well thanks to Google, we have unveiled yet another piece in the education fraud being propagated by DALC and its partners . DALC EDUCATION was responsible for many Kenyans’ Irish International University degrees. We have posted the invoices of the money collected by DALC EDUCATION on behalf of the dubious university.
The BBC was not too impressed with the IIU quackery and went undercover to expose the fraudsters who were coordinated by Hardeep Sandhu. He is well known figure among DALC students and staff and he once lectured at a seminar that Humphrey Oborah used back in 2006 to launch DALC into the national limelight. Mr. Sandhu is the kingpin of the scam and appears on the websites, publications and events held by:Quality Assurance Commission- See the DALC syllabus. The Quality Assurance Commision was exposed by the BBC as an accreditation mill owned by the Malaysian Grand PHD. The same QAC accredited IIU, CAM, OXIM, programmes. DALC lies to its students that the QAC is only involved with assessment of the exemptions yet QAC says that it is an accreditation body on it own website.
CAM/OXIM/EBS/CAM-UK/IIU and DALC events are all attended by the same set of individuals. The only thing that changes is the location but the actors in the scam are the same. Have you looked at the recent graduation pictures from Malaysia, UK and Kenya. It was the same old faces.
So Grand Prof Sandhu (he can also be found on the WIDU website) decided that Irish International University was no longer appealing as there were too many blogs and websites rubbishing his virtual varsity. He dreamt up a new scam and called it the Isles International Université. It sounds chic doesn’t it? The Université bit. Sandhu cannot let go of the IIU thing.The new IIU however is old wine in an old wineskin. In short, it is the same scam as the IRISH INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY that Oborah now dissociates from.
FAMILIARITIESIsles Internationale Université maintains the Irish International University Logo as you can see below. We reckon Sandhu got too attached to this logo he just cannot let it go or perhaps he is fond of recycling all manner of things including logos for his university!
So, what does a strange recycled logo have to do with DALC? One of those fervent DALC students who think the world is out to ruin their future may wonder. Well, Isles Internationale Université has listed its international partners and collaborators. These are the usual suspects. The core institutions of the Hardeep Sandhu education scam.
According the , Isles Internationale Université, the partner institutions are:- European Business School (Cambridge, UK)
School of Graduate Studies
8A Kings Parade,
Cambridge CB2 1BK England
The Cambridge Association of Managers
Wellington House,
East Road, Cambridge CB1 1BH England
The Oxford Association of Management
Oxford Centre for Innovation
Mill Street, Oxford OX2 OJX England
101 Kitchener Road
#03-11 Jalan Besar Plaza
Singapore 208511
In the same page, the dubious Internationale Université says “Isles Internationale Université (European Union) is, by the means of a number of collaboration agreements, committed and engaged in joint research projects, research grants programmes, students’ exchange programmes and a wide variety of academic, scientific and technological collaboration activities with twelve other universities and research centres in the EU, and with eighteen other academic and scientific institutions elsewhere the European Union around the world.
WOW! That sounds like a prestigious University. Does any of the DALC students want to UPGRADE their dubious diplomas? Well lets see who IIU is collaborating with.
International University (Cambodia) | |
IU Phnom Penh Thmey Campus (Main Campus) International University Corner of Streets 1984 & 1011 Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh Kingdom of Cambodia, 12100 Telephone: (855-23) 881623 | | |
Xavier University (Philippines) | |
Ateneo de Cagayan, Philippines Tel Nos.: 858-3116 or 72-3116 | |
E-mail to: |
Mapúa Institute of Technology (Philippines) | |
Intramuros Campus: Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002, Philippines Phone nos.: +63(2) 247-5000 | |
E-mail Address: |
European Institute of Professional Education (Sri Lanka) | |
48A, 1/1, Nikape Road, Dehiwela, Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 11 5555014 Fax: +94 11 5555013 | |
E mail: |
DALC Education (Kenya) | |
5th Floor of Soin Arcade in the heart of Westlands Nairobi, Kenya Landline : 020 - 675 2087/98 Mobile : +254 737 777 024 | |
E-mail Address : |
This particular IIU is also accredited . See this particular paragraph on accreditation.
“Received accreditation granted from the Académie Européenne d’Informatisation; established in Brussels, Belgium, by Order of the King of Belgium Albert II, with full recognition from The Ministry of Justice and Research of the Belgian Crown; main offices were granted approval to settle at the Brussels EU Commission Building and at the Brussels EU Parliament Building, in order to enhance accomplishment on its high commandment to foster cutting-edge research and academic quality assurance worldwide.”
This should settle the minds of those who might want to maliciously think and say that the Isles Internationale Université is fake. But before we conclude, let us ponder.
- The Académie Européenne d’Informatisation (which made Oborah Prof) is not an accredting body. It has been described by the government of Belgium as a diploma mill. Why is it accrediting a university.
- If the university claims to be registered in the British Isles, why does it need accreditation from Belgium?
- The outright lying , “by Order of the King of Belgium Albert II,; main offices were granted approval to settle at the Brussels EU Commission Building and at the Brussels EU Parliament Building”. So this university can settle at the EU parliament?
- Collaborations with (mostly) third world institutions and none of repute from either Belgium, EU or Britain.
- Why the recurrence of the same institutions EBS, WIDU,IIUCAM,OXIM,DALC across different websites on the same page?
They end with a quote to brighten your day (and possibly loosen your wallets that says “"Success, recognition, and conformity are the bywords of the modern world where everyone seems to crave the anesthetizing security of being identified with the majority."Martin Luther King, Jr.
That statement is simply debasing the need for recognition and conformity. I am not sure we can authenticate the source but the idea is you don’t have to be like the majority who conform to traditional education systems. Take a gamble and be unique with IIU. Did I say that it is accredited by the Diploma mill that awarded the DALC EDUCATION head of missions Humphrey Oborah his professorship?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Oborah is nothing but a filthy liar who will say anything to cheat Kenyans and enrich himself and his family. Now even his son has been into the family business. The email that Michael sent is below. Let Kenyans read and know that Oborah is spoiling the man's name because he is afraid that Mike will leak his secrets.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: apel <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 07:43:32 +0300
Subject: Please Take Note
Dear All,
Kindly forward all official communications, queries or reports directly to or to as I am no longer with DALC EDUCATION.
It has been a pleasure working with you all and I wish you well.
Best Regards,
Curriculum Management and Quality Assurance
Cell: +254 7377 77 020
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Call the bluff
We have seen recent comments by Oborah that are reverting to the old mind game we mentioned in our earlier posts. Call the police. He has dared the bloggers to report DALC's misdemeanor to the police or cease writing facts that DALC would rather you did not know. We back our articles with proof including links that people would not dispute.
As usual, the anonymous post threatens to use google analytics to unmask our location (hahahahaha google analytics enables us to see where you log your comments from) and have the police arrest us as we type our blog posts. I suggest you do some research on google to avoid making a fool of yourself in this manner. He says, "And if u never reported to the police... trust me... you will pay dearly for defamation and misleading the public." Threatening us are you? We must be shaking in our boots but atleast we are not conning hapless Kenyans.
Well well well, we are familiar with your tactics Mr. this is how you intimidate staff into silence over your neat mega diploma scam here. We know because we heard you say the same exact words to dozens of other staff suspected of telling on you. Have you forgotten how you threatened to ruin the careers of the staff who left last year using your connections to make sure that they would never be employed again? What happened to that plan Humphrey?
Interestingly, the anonymous commenter tries to unhook Oborah from copy-paste syllabus saga by claiming that these were prepared by an employee of DALC. He says, "I worked for DALC... and I know for sure that Dr. Oborah did not prepare the syllabuses himself." Haven't the DALC people just confessed to fraud there? When you join DALC, the impression is that everything is from UK and even the syllabuses are from the prestigious "Cambridge Association of Managers". So why are you admitting that the prospectus were done by a DALC employee? Can you answer that? Why then do they have the Cambridge and QAC logos if they were done at DALC?
Oborah cannot shift the blame of copy-pasted to a member of staff because:
- · He already told us that the syllabus is from CAMbridge in the UK.
- · He said the Cambridge programmes are assessed for quality and standards .
- · He unveiled these programmes at the Hilton hotel himself where he said that they (syllabuses) were from UK.
- · The syllabuses are downloadable from the DALC website which he owns.
- · He urges all the tutors to follow the set "CAMBRIDGE SYLLABUS".
He then downplays this shameless plagiarism where he copies other Universities syllabus word for word by drawing USIU into the picture claiming that, " I'm not so concerned about preparing syllabuses from other Universities' syllabuses... USIU does the same with Oxford University". Now isn't that some mega claim. Another fallacious "two wrongs make a right" statement. They are doing so why can't we? But this is vintage Oborah, cunningly diversionary. Can he substantiate his comments? Can he tell us which USIU syllabus is copied from Oxford? Or is he defaming USIU now.
To further insult your intelligence, he says "even Obama copied some of his stuff from J.F. Kennedy... infact some people draw confidence in the knowledge of such - that the syllabus is from a well-known University". So lets break it down here, OBAMA QUOTES JFK=DALC COPIED SYLLABUS and COPIED SYLLABUS=CONFIDENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. That's kind of reasoning would satisfy a DALC student of average abilities but how many of you out there think so? So you can start a college, download the syllabus from Harvard and it will be perfectly ok because people will be confident in that knowledge. Oborah said so!
His post ends with his now standard procedure known to ex DALC staffers as the Mud fling. This is where Oborah attempts to soil the name of the DALC employee by making extreme allegations such as he was a thief, he stole from me, he defrauded me, he was colluding with, he intended to etc. All these are followed by a vow to have the offending staffer arrested and jailed for along time before which he will have their pictures published in the press.
It is in this hare brained tradition that Oborah plays the role of the sour employer who cannot handle employee resignations with grace. "Mr. Michael used to pretend to have an MBA, but was soon found to have only a diploma in PR I think. Michael no longer works with DALC, after found to be overcharging foreign students... and colluding with the accountants to bank cheques to secret accounts..."
Lets see, this does not add up as:
- · Oborah always claims staff who left stole from him yet everybody knows that all DALC EDUCATION money passes through his accounts. Students have the account numbers of the DALC EDUCATION account from the first day they join DALC. We know DALC and nobody can steal from Oborah (he in this for the money). Do Oborah cries of thief theif reflect the status of his mind?
- · How were the DALC monies banked to secret accounts when the entire fees is paid in bankers cheques and Oborah sleeps with the cheque book beneath his pillow?
- · DALC accountants are bean counters whose other main job is to falsify your tax returns. Perhaps they would shed light into the account operations in your organization?
- · If you had the staff in question guilty of the crimes you mentioned, why didn't you have him locked up at the Parklands police and later Kamiti. You have the money to hire a lawyer don't you?
- · Why did Milcah leave? Did she steal from you too like everybody else? How many former staff have you slandered in this fashion?
- · How can you (A fake professor) spot a fake MBA when you have never seen a genuine one. Are also saying that people with mere diplomas are not good enough because that is what a majority of your students are. No, wait. They are worse because they are mere diploma holders of institutions that do not even exist.
Humphery Oborah, we have thrown the gauntlet. Do everybody a favour and SHUT THE HELL UP. Take action. Call a press conference; hold a demo, but most of all SUE the bloggers. We'll see if the court will convict us for telling the truth and exposing your fraud.
P.S cALLING THIS BLOG A hate blog will not draw any sympathy because that is what you always do. Playing the victim. We are not hating by exposing your lies. We wrote your character up before you posted this comment and you fitted right in.
So what are you gonna do Mr. I-am-the-victim-of-my-thieving-ex staff?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE exists for the sole purpose of getting as much money as they ca from unsuspecting Kenyans in the shortest possible time. To do this it pretends to be a fully legitimate institution but in reality is like a shopkeeper who knowingly sells you expired flour. He may have all the licenses on the wall, but he is taking your money for nothing.
To successfully achieve it mission of parting you from your money and making its owners billionaires by 2011, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE has looked at Kenyans psyche, written a script on that and executed it very well.
How they part you from your money.
Glitz and Glamour
DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE knows very well that people judge things by the appearance and they make sure that everything about DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is glamorous. Just like a cars paintwork would mislead on its worth, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE makes sure that its glitzy so that you do not bother looking under the hood and finding its crappy engine!
● Premises- If you walk into a DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE office with dusty shoes or some of that red mud found on some parts of Thika Road, you will definitely feel out of place because the offices are clean, shiny and posh. You will be much more at home with your dusty shoes at the UoN lobby than at DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE because they have an up market look. Image is everything they say and DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTREEDUCATION knows that 80% of human beings make a judgment solely on appearance.
● Staff- Staff at the college have a strict dress code and are required to dress formally all the time and men should never be seen without a tie or wearing less than sparkling shoes. That compared to the staff at other institution is a pretty high standard that goes further to help you choose DALC.
● Evidence- Walk into any DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE today and you will see sample certificates everywhere alongside letters from the ministry of Education, newspaper cuttings, pictures of past students, graduates etc. Now go to Daystar. Spot the difference? DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE seems to be hell-bent to give you the evidence that it is prestigious and well known. Maybe they should hang the 10 commandments on the wall somewhere and throw in a picture of Oborah's Primary school Headmaster as well. I am yet to find a legitimate institution that shows sample certificates anywhere. I just don't understand why a sample certificate would mean anything, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE tries to answer all the questions in advance : Is it recognised-there is a letter. Do students graduate-there are the pictures etc.
● Events- Graduations, Professorship awards, cavalier of hopelessness, parents meetings, UK collaboration launch, Cambridge Awards etc are all events that DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE organises and ensures are held in the best available hotels. DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE makes sure that these events are attended by hundreds of people and covered by the KTN. “ Who can question us when we hold our events in the open and invite the press”, is Humphrey Oborah's favourite retort when asked if the institution is legitimate.
● Hotels-DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE hires halls of the best hotels for their events. Whatever town DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is operating in, they have held a couple of events in the best hotels. For the common man who has not had the opportunity of sitting at the Hilton or Nairobi Safari Club, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE affords him the opportunity sit and walk the halls of these prestigious establishments. To most people, no dodgy college would hire the Hilton hotel.
This institution is riddled with so much formality , it puts your bank to shame! Again, it creates the impression that things here are always done the right way. Well there is nothing right about DALC.
● Signing- How many times do you sign in DALC? When you walk into the office to enquire you leave your details. When you report to school you sign a book at the reception, you sign after every lesson, you sign a contract, you sign for the sports day, you sign when you receive a bulletin and sign and sign. Soon DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE might have you signing at the toilets. And does DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE sign anything for you? Nothing. Not even a receipt!
● Forms- Admissions forms, Cambridge forms, More Forms, Graduation Forms and Career Survey Forms . There are more forms in DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE than your bank. This creates that illusion we are trying to dispel. It means nothing if all these forms lead you to a worthless degree/diploma!
● Bulletins- Oborah used to send bulletins to even summon staff to his office and warn bickering staff. It got into his head and he put everything on the bulletins online. Do not believe what you read simply because it is in the DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE online system. Most of that crap is lies anyway.
Gift and Talent Testing
DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE can predict the careers of people from as early as 5 yrs old. According to the Professor of BioMedically approached education, the electrolyte balance in the baby’s brain determines what your babies career will be and Prof.Dr.Edu will predict that. Absolute balderdash. Show me people whose careers he has predicted since he started his forecasting in 2003. Show me one person for the last 6 years!!!
● CATS, Assignments, Projects- DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE students do online Continuous Assessment Tests, Online Assignments, and submit projects online. That is a lot of work for the student but again means nothing because the lecturers are ill qualified to teach some of the courses yet they mark, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE does not punish plagiarism and has no time to deal with cheaters. With all this work people think that this is the real deal. Well it isn't. DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is simply running the same academic calendar it used to when the genuine Cambridge International Examinations were offered at DALC. CIE courses were withdrawn by the British Council and DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE partnered with the dubious CAM . Besides they do not want to arouse your suspicion by giving you a degree/diploma for nothing!!
● Practical Education- Go to a company, find a problem, solve it if you cannot, create an imaginary company, create an imaginary problem and solve it. You can also borrow a project from a former student and change the names on the cover or pay your lecturer to write one for you. Either way you will still pass because DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE does not care about the content of the projects in the Practical Education they like to brag about.
Strange White Men (Usually in gowns)
Who are these men that DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE presents to people during its graduations and other events? You do not question since they are white but we do. Put google into some good use and find out!!
· Sandhu Hardeep Singh
· Kempe Hans Joachim
· Gagne Michael
The UK connection
Everything is UK here. You must feel very lucky to be a student of the OXFORD/CAMBRIDGE limited ompanies that not really exist. The Knightly logos on the prospectus and websites have gotten you all convinced and you proudly tell people that you are a student of OXFORD/CAMBRIDGE and you probably dream or graduating at the prestigious UK university. Congratulations, you are a most gullible person and you would probably give you life savings to a hungry pastor to double it for you.
● Documentation-All documentation bears some strange logo with the words Cambridge/Oxford nest to it. Prospectus, course notes, CAT papers, websites everything at DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE comes with a UK logo to boot. People naturally think that the admission form is sent to the UK and the admission letter sent from the UK because they see the logos. Newsflash, any jerk with a good HP laser printer can do 60 CAM/OXIM admission letters in an hour. WakeUP!
● Job Adverts- A DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE job advert is long winded and goes to lengths to say that students IDs come from UK. Why would a job seeker need to know where the student IDs come from? If Safaricom stated where the Staff IDs are made in a job advert, would that be bizarre? Well DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE tells job seekers where its student IDs are made, in case they did not know!
● Certificates- UK.UK. UK. I say again that you can do those certificates with a good laser printer. All you need is a logo and Cambridge Association of Whatever-I-Wanna-Call-It address with a shared UK fax number and email address.
● IDs- Why do these come from the UK? Is this an attempt to copy cat genuine UK qualifications like ACCA, ABE? Let me remind you of a student meeting in 2007 where students complained that they had no ID’s and put Oborah to task. Well, the ID's were ready in four days. During that period, Emily (Oborah's secretary) told us that the ID printing was stressing her because some students photos were getting lost, mixed up etc. She later called centre managers to ensure that they sent the right photos for the IDs.
● English Sounds- Cambridge, Oxford, European Business School. Irish International University, Quality Assurance Commission UK etc. The proprietor also studied and worked in the UK and as a result speaks in an English Accent. Well that is the sinker that you swallow after the hook and line. His pronunciation is suspect despite his effort to speak out of his nose like the English do. I particularly dislike the way he pronounces degree as DIIGIRII but to most people, he speaks in an English accent so there must be an English connection.
The Media
What would DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE be without the media? Kenya's media is more trusted than the government and what they say goes. So they say DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is offering Career goes. DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE cleverly uses the media to gain some credibility and hoodwink Kenyans who think that the media is watching out for them. Always.
● Documentaries-, I feel bad when these documentaries are aired because tens of people enroll as a result . These are aired during the prime time and sometimes on 3 channels at once. They (media) love DALC's money and clearly want the matters to remain that way. Tell me how the investigative journalists are able to get information on the dirty ministers, Anglo leasing all the way in UK, inside military deals, the oil scam have no whiff about DALC!! You see, the DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE scam is not hard to investigate, the journalist can go to the British Council, the British High Commission or fly to Cambridge Association of Managers office in the UK. They can also google! We have written countless of emails to Standard Group Editors and the KTN management asking them to make sure DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is squeaky clean. We have gone further and contacted their investigative journalists to no avail. So? Yeah, conclude that for yourselves!!
● The Class- The class is simply an infomercial where Mahia Mutua introduces a topic (problem) and then invites an expert Humphrey Oborah to discuss it(solution). Through all that, we see random camera shots of DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE students, burning cars, Nairobi traffic, donkeys carrying firewood, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE premises and whatever image the editors want you to see.
● Front Page Ads- You saw one on the day KCSE results were announced, didn't you. Front page of the standard. This was one of those nonsensical adverts that trashes recognition and hails content of education. It said that long ago, people were rewarded with medals (cavalier of hopelessness) and olives. DALCs courses are loaded with skills and you will be successful in your business as a result. The ad also prominently says CAMBRIDGE/OXFORD learning centre, that is misleading if you ask me but the Standard Group don't care because they got 200,000 from DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE as a result of the AD. Thats the average amount a “Cambridge” Post Graduate student is conned at DALC!
Mind Games
Every con is a mind game and DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE people are well versed in this!!
● Ostracize Them- Those who question DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE are society misfits who should be laughed at for questioning 22nd Century education at DALC. This is the common defence that DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE students, staff and management takes even where facts would be much easier to deal with. Staff, students who leave DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE on suspicions that something is not right at DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE are dismissed as being too thick to understand and should be avoided.
● Thief! Thief!- Have you left DALC? Did you join another company? Have you been telling people that DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is not genuine? If you answer yes to any of these questions then the Head of Missions declares you to be a thief who stole 300,000 from him. Your picture will be published in the media soon. According to Humphrey Oborah, the police are on your case and anybody with information about you should call him
● Call the Police- Oborah's favourite toy. “I'll call the police and have you arrested!! The Parklands police will come for you at the click of my finger”. Maybe they should first arrest you mister Humphrey for fraud and tax evasion before they arrest me. Just a thought. Maybe someone whom you harassed should be arrested before she tells all?
● Victim- DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTREis the victim all the time. They never ever take responsibility for anything and always point fingers. Jealous competitors, mickey mouse, the sun , Oborah's envious neighbors, bitter staff, discontinued students among others take the flak for DALCs dishonesty and fraudulent dealings. DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTREis always being victimised. Faith Kinyae plays the “victimised one” role perfectly (she should be at the theater). She lowers her voice, shakes her head and narrates sorrowfully how DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTREis a victim of the malicious people.
There are former students who play the role of baiting others into the system. They are also used to quell fires and speak where Oborah cannot especially on issues to do with Oborah's fake professorship. Such students are:
● Staff- DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE is now staffed almost entirely by past students who “understand” the system. This has graduated to the tutors with former Post Graduate students now being employed to teach graduate students. Graduate students are teaching lower courses and even one hapless, grossly incompetent CAM diploma dropout is imparting knowledge at Nakuru's DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE computer classes.
● Centre Managers are now former students who defend the institution only as a lioness would defend its cubs. Dinah Maina of 20th Century takes the prize for that, telling students that ALL DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING are accredited and the CHE recognises the CAM/OXIM. She also takes offense at people who question the institution and must be well rewarded by the Prof.Dr.Edu. At the end of the month. How do you sleep at night after cheating Kenyans off their money?
Grand Illusions
The grand pictures DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE paints makes one think that this is going to be Africa's premier institute. Those who believe unquestionably and look up to to Oborah like the he is the new Moses and answer all his questions with yes. Someday, DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE will be like USIU, one of them told me.
● Project University-So how far are we 5 years after Oborah bought land on Thika Rd/ Mombasa Rd? How far are we since Kempe gave DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE a 2 million euro grant through G8 AID a year ago? How far are we since it was announced that 300 million was to be given by CAM/OXIM for a university 3 years ago?
● Genopuls- We await those clinics that will heal all diseases through a sound frequency. We cannot wait Humphrey, why keep us waiting? We want to be the first in AFRICA to embrace this technology that is not even patented. Ask Kempe to patent it before someone steals the idea. Do you know even the Kikoi is patented while this earth shattering, creative busting Genopuls is not? What an oversight!
● Scholarships-All of you who know someone who got a scholarship through from DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE raise your hands up!! How may? If you didn't know , DIGITAL ADVISORY AND LEARNING CENTRE exists for the sole purpose of making Humphrey Ouko Oborah and Faith Kinyae rich. Not to help you with scholarships.
The sad thing is that this syllabus is copied from GEORGE MASON University California word for word. It says "in developing and modifying large, complex software systems. It emphasizes technical and management aspects of the software engineering process. Software engineering is an established discipline based on requirement analysis, design, construction, testing, maintenance, economics, and management issues of software engineering. A pragmatic approach to problem solving is the hallmark of a software engineer." We are talking about the DALC EDUCATION software engineering course at Post Graduate level right here.
Now that echoes the same words used by the George Mason University to describe their Masters in Software Engineering. link (
Now, can these people who love to defend DALC come and give a logical explanation to that or will they start the usual your-are-not-man enough jobless idler nonsense. The evidence is on the George Mason university's website. What does that have to do with the jealousy?
There you will find the source of DALC Eduction's "Cambridge" syllabus for their Post Graduate Diploma in IT security. Word for word DALC copied that syllabus, slapped some logos on it and pretended of that it was their own. Actually, that is a crime known as passing off. Common among counterfeiters.
Looking in the syllabus, you will find descriptions such as, "With technology transforming the way we do business, there is an increased emphasis on information security: the protection of sensitive data", that were definately copied and pasted without a single alteration.