Centre Managers,
Centre Managers,
I hope all of you are well.
Prof. Dr. Oborah needs profile literature of students from DALC who have either gotten jobs or promotion or received credit transfers to other universities e.g. Nazarene, USIU, KEMU, CUEA, UON, JKUAT, Kabarak, Oxford Brookes, Liverpool e.t.c.
Please ask the students to give their achievement background, the course done in DALC and how the course helped them achieve. Ask them to email to: achievers@dalcafrica.com
Yours sincerely,
A certificate is just paper ... Its content is the value !
None of the above Universities will take you with DALC-CAM qualifications. We have enquired at all the local institutions and nobody, not even Methodist,Daystar and Nazarene that the DALC staff told you would accept really accept. Any achievers?
As you said earlier, this man is just TALK, TALK, TALK and more talk we seen nothing sensible comes out of his month WE WANT FACTS simple
Note that the man is now using the web master to send his messages to the staff, beware we have you exactly where we wanted you Oborah